Ein Heim, kein Zuhause? Das Medienbild von Altenpflege im Kontext von Altersbildern und Berufsprestige
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Welches Bild zeichnen die Medien von der Altenpflege? Wie werden das Personal und die Situation pflegebedürftiger Menschen dargestellt? Im Auftrag der BGW hat das Schweizerische Forschungsinstitut Media Tenor International diese Fragen zu einem aktuellen, aussagekrÃ... | weiterlesen ...

This annual report, Islam and the West: Annual Report on the State of Dialogue, published by the World Economic Forum Community of West and Islam Dialogue (C-100) is the first effort of its kind aimed at benchmarking the state of this dialogue. Its scope covers five ... | weiterlesen ...

Which stock exchanges are offering the most background on their commitment to which SDGs, helping to drive the message of the SDGs to stakeholders including consumers, employees, shareholders, and media?

Which banks are offering the most background on their commitment to which SDGs, helping to drive the message of the SDGs to stakeholders including consumers, employees, shareholders, and media?

Which insurances are offering the most background on their commitment to which SDGs, helping to drive the message of the SDGs to stakeholders including consumers, employees, shareholders, and media?

Auch in der Covid-19-Krise wurde es deutlich: Entscheidungen müssen getroffen werden, doch die Informationsbasis ist lückenhaft. Das gilt für alle: Parlamentarier, Verantwortliche in der Regierung, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Kultur, Medien, Bildung. Zahlen fehlt z... | weiterlesen ...

Der Anteil derer, die sich in ihrem Leben sehr frei fühlen, ist stark zurückgegangen. Auf der anderen Seite nimmt die Bereitschaft, sich für den Staat einzusetzen, zu. Die Leitmedien entdecken in der Corona-Krise die Werte-Diskussion.
Beim Freiheits-Index,... | weiterlesen ...

Trust is vital for society and for the global economy to function successfully and efficiently given the fast pace of change in the world today. The economic crisis that began in 2008 continues to challenge us today in part due to (a) the diminished sense of trust be... | weiterlesen ...

The UNAI and Media Tenor have partnered to develop a Global Agenda Index that goes beyond conceptions of nationally-based analysis to map and evaluate those global environmental issues that matter. By adding applied agenda setting theory to the current standard, we a... | weiterlesen ...

The September 2015 agreement on Sustainable Development Goals requires all states to implement the17 SDGs by 2030. By then, the next generation will be starting to takeover from today’s leaders – but no one yet knows how the next generation is thinking about thes... | weiterlesen ...

CSR Index 2016
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Trust is vital for society and for the global economy to function successfully and efficiently given the fast pace of change in the world today. The economic crisis that began in 2008 continues to challenge us today in part due to (a) the diminished se... | weiterlesen ...
19.80€ | 19.80$ | 24.80CHF | 200.00ZAR

Integration Index 2016
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“Hardly a day goes by without migration hitting the headlines somewhere in the world. However, too often the media tends to focus on the negative aspects of migration. One recent study of 58,000 migration news stories, conducted by re-searchers ... | weiterlesen ...
19.80€ | 19.80$ | 24.80CHF | 200.00ZAR

Trust Meltdown VII
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When the global economic crisis hit in 2007/2008 it seemed, at first, to be a sudden event, not the start of a long-term change in the way we view our key corporate, governmental, and social institutions. Unfortunately, that crisis ushered in the start of t... | weiterlesen ...
19.80€ | 19.80$ | 24.80CHF

Annual Dialogue Report 2016
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“Our trust deficit is, to a large extent, the result of asymmetries in our world. The fact that so many are taking the trust bestowed on them for granted explains countless of these asymmetries. People in positions of authority abuse trust and break the rules, with... | weiterlesen ...
19.80€ | 19.80$ | 24.80CHF | 200.00ZAR

Africa Growth Report 2016
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“The importance of positive economic and trade relations, as well as infrastructure development, in ensuring the Africa Rising story becomes the dominant narrative about our continent, cannot be overemphasized. When countries grow by, amongst others, attracting inc... | weiterlesen ...
19.80€ | 19.80$ | 24.80CHF | 200.00ZAR

Free download: Media Tenor’s new Global Agenda Index (GAI) breaks new ground in the crucial field of scenario analysis. It is a multi-year project that combines elite scenario polling with proven methods of content analysis of media reports, think tank website... | weiterlesen ...

Conflicts, drama, crooks and victims. That’s news. This is our world. Or is it? This first international book on constructive news shows the consequences of media negativity: To people, to the press itself, to the public debate and to democracy. Provocati... | weiterlesen ...
19.80€ | 26.80$ | 24.80CHF

Wachstum 2015
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Wachstum 2015
25 Jahre nach dem Fall der Mauer und dem Niedergang des Sozialismus in Europa und mehr als sechs Jahre nach dem Lehmann-Kollaps und seinen Folgen für die weltweite Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise haben sich viele Unternehmen und&nb... | weiterlesen ...
19.80€ | 24.90CHF

“We are committed to the vision of an Africa Rising, an Africa that is no longer on the periphery but a continent that can take its rightful place in the community of nations.And driving this commitment to the growth and development of our continent is the need for... | weiterlesen ...
19,90€ | 19,90$ | 24,80CHF | 200,00ZAR

Annual Dialog Report 2015
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The Annual Dialogue Report 2015, was published a few days after the terrorist attack on the French weekly, Charlie Hebdo, after a year that witnessed a severe increase in the hostility between parts of the Muslim World and the West. The long-term analysis shows how t... | weiterlesen ...
19,80€ | 26,80$
(e-book: 9,80€ | 9,80$